Example Sentences Asking for Help

We know that people in the world cannot life without the others. People will share any things with others, such as information, education and many things. In doing something, people are not always doing it alone, they sometimes need a help from another one.

Here are some expressions you can use to ask for help:
  • Could you do me a favor?
  • Would you be able to…?
  • Can I ask for your help?
  • Could you please…?
  • Would you please?

Response (+)
It means that the people who you ask to help you are going to help you in doing something. They usually say:
  • Certainly.
  • Sure, what is it?
  • Of course.
  • OK. What can I do for you?

Response (-)
Sometimes people have another business and they cannot help you to do something, they usually say:
  • I’m sorry I’m busy.
  • Sorry, but I have to do something else.
  • I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t.


Dialog 1
Brian : Can I ask you a favor?
Simon : of course.
Brian : would you be able to return this book to the library for me, please? It’s overdue.
Brian : I’m going there this afternoon.
Simon : thanks a lot.
Brian : you’re welcome. It’s no problem.

Dialog 2
Vani : Can I ask for your help?
Dhea : sure. What is it?
Vani : Could you post these letters for me? I won’t be able to go to the post office this morning.
Dhea : Certainly.
Vani : Thank you very much.
Dhea : no problem.

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