Expressions of Disbelief

Expression of disbelief is an expression to refuse or be unable to believe something or somebody. When you feel disbelief, you can use the following expression:


- You won’t believe this, but…

- Do you know what!

- This may surprise you, but…

- I’ve got news for you!


- Really? I find that hard to believe.

- Are you joking?

- I don’t believe it.

- That’s what I thought too. (agree)

- It’s really unbelievable.

- How could it be?

- I can’t believe it.


Dialog 1
Jony : you may not believe that the earth is getting warmer.
Dessy : Really? I find that hard to believe.
Jony : I couldn’t believe it at first, but several days ago the news said that there was global warming.
Dessy : I can’t see that.

Dialog 2
Harry : Hi, Tony. What’s all this about, Tony?
Tony : We’ve got lots of rubbish on the beach, so we are cleaning up the beach now; we are picking up the rubbish.
Harry : I can’t believe that. Where is the rubbish from?
Tony : You may not believe it, but there are many people who throw rubbish in the beach. Generally, people who are walking around and looking at the beach ignore the notice “No Dumping of Rubbish”.
Harry : How about the governments?
Tony : I’m so disappointed about that. They aren’t concerned about it. Therefore, we are trying to help save the environment by ourselves. We are Eco-Friends.
Harry : What’s that?
Tony : it’s a club of teenagers who are trying to help save the environment. One of the tasks is cleaning the beach. Do you want to join me this weekend?
Harry : Ok, it should be fun.

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