Expressing Regret and Apologies

Words and expressions used to show regrets and apologies:

- I’m sorry that ...

- Please accept my apology for….

- I apologize for…

- Forgive me. I’m terribly sorry about…

- Please accept my apology for..

- Please excuse…

- I would like to apologize for…

- I apologize for..

- I’m sorry. I did not mean to..

- I’m sorry that…

- Sorry…

Words and expression used to respond regrets and apologies:

- Never mind.

- That’s quite all right

- I completely understand

- You don’t need to apologize.

- It’s not your fault.

- Don’t worry about it.

- It’s OK,

- No Problem

- Forget it.


Randy : Hello, Randy’s speaking. Can I speak to Cindy?

Cindy : Yes, it’s me, Randy. Did you get home all right last night?

Randy : Yes, thank you. I just want to apologize for the incident last night.

Cindy : Please don’t mention it. It doesn’t matter.

Randy : But I broke a decorating pitcher in your house. It must be expensive. Wasn’t your mother angry?

Cindy : Forget it. You did it accidentally.

Randy : Yes, but…

Cindy : Look. It’s nothing. I was a bit annoyed last night, but I’m all right now. So, forget it.

Randy : Cindy, let me buy another pitche.

Cindy : No, Randy. Listen to me, you did it accidentally. I don’t want to hear about it anymore.

Randy : All right. I’m terribly sorry about that.

Cindy : It’s all right.

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